All Night Graduation Party 2024!!

ANGP for our SENIOR class of 2024.  This year, the ANGP will be held at Dave & Busters at Fair Oaks Shopping Center from Midnight to 4:00 AM on June 5, 2024.  It will be a fun, safe, drug and alcohol-free event sponsored by the Westfield High School PTSA.  Signups are open now!

You can get to all of the information by clicking here  Tickets are $50 before May 1 and then will go to $65.

Volunteers Needed: We had a successful planning meeting and are still in need of volunteers. We will be looking for volunteers the night of but there are plenty of other places that could use volunteers too. The team will be having another meeting closer to the date to go over volunteer responsibilities and to answer any questions for the night of. 

If anyone is available to help sell tickets in the cafeteria or to solicit more donations and giveaways please send an email.

Ticket price includes: Food and drinks throughout the night, Events step 2 power card ($25), unlimited video game play add-on, DJ, photo booth

 We have set up this email for questions and to submit paperwork. 


Congratulations to the class of 2024!


Christina Minogue & Vanessa Moore