Mulch Sales

ANGP Made Possible by Mulch Sale!! Order Early!

Hello Bulldogs! It’s time for our annual WHS Mulch Sale! &

The PTSA can only provide discounted tickets for the All-Night Grad Party (ANGP) and host a safe, sober celebration for Westfield Seniors through funds raised from the Mulch Sale and the hard work of our volunteers. Without this event and its coordinator, the ANGP cost would rise above $85 per student.

The Westfield PTSA Mulch Sale is the primary fundraiser that helps provide a
safe and sober All-Night Grad Party for our Westfield Seniors, as well
as provides vital funds for other PTSA programs.  

The PTSA is partnering with Meadows Farms to deliver the mulch this year. 
WHS students will be able to offer spreading services again this year
for an additional cost. 

Sale Dates: January 28th – March 7th (or until we sell out)

Delivery Dates: Saturday, March 15 and Saturday, March 22

Spreading Date: Sunday, March 16

Mulch spreading fee is $2.50 / bag

Price per bag:  $6.85 (paying by check); $7.00 (paying by Credit Card)

Minimum for delivery:  10 bags

will be placed on the driveway in the FRONT OF THE HOUSE only.  Please
mark the area you’d like the bags placed and make a note in the “Special

Bags Available:  15,000 total (order early because we frequently sell out!) 

Size of Bags:  3 cubic feet

Color of Mulch:  Dark Brown

Westfield High School Boundaries Only

Delivery by Meadows Farms employees/trucks

Information to be captured:  Name, Address, Contact Phone Number on Delivery Day, Special Instructions. 

need five products – 1) Mulch Bags (minimum of 10 bags) at $6.85 per
bag, 2) Donations to Butterfly Garden (no minimum number of bags) at
$6.85 per bag, 3) Mulch Bags (minimum of 10 bags) at $7.00 per bag, 4)
Donations to Butterfly Garden (no minimum number of bags) at $7.00 per
bag, 5) – Mulch spreading at $2.50 / bag

Thank you for your support!

Westfield High School Mulch Committee
Questions or Would like to Volunteer ? Please email: or or